Command: cal

  CAL is a tiny command line calendar.


  cal mm/yyyy
  cal yyyy
  cal /?
      mm    the month you want to see (2 digits)
      yyyy  the year you want to see (4 digits)

[Main menu] [top] (Syntax) [Options] [Comments] [Examples] [See also] [File]


  /?  Shows the help.

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] (Options) [Comments] [Examples] [See also] [File]


  CAL is a tiny (900 bytes) command line calendar. It can display
  the current month, a specific month, or a yearly calendar. Cal
  supports the Gregorian calendar format for years from 1753-2399.

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] (Comments) [Examples] [See also] [File]


  cal          shows the actual month
  cal 04/1959  shows April 1959
  cal 1959     shows all months of the year 1959

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] [Comments] (Examples) [See also] [File]

See also:


[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] [Comments] [Examples] (See also) [File]


  Please read this command's lsm file also.
  You will find the updated version (internet) here and
  the version described in this manual page here.
  The lsm file contains information about the name of the programmer,
  the download site, and some other command related information.

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] [Comments] [Examples] [See also] (File)

  Copyright © 2008 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.